Customized Training and Workshops

In partnership with an organization, NCBI often starts with an assessment to determine what the key needs are, then works to develop 1 – 4 Day Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion training programs individually designed for college campuses, community organizations, K-12 schools, corporations, government jurisdictions and law enforcement agencies to meet their specific goals and desired outcomes.
A. Sample of Welcoming Diversity Workshop Skills in our Customized training
- Begin to create an environment of open and honest communication.
- Experience a framework for teambuilding and strengthening relationships.
- Notice similarities, embrace differences and celebrate both in the workplace.
- Clarify why a diversity initiative is crucial to the success of the organization.
- Recognize and work through the misinformation and unconscious bias, that we all have learned about people who are different from us.
- Understand the impact of internalized oppression on individuals, teams, and the work environment.
- Gain skills to effectively interrupt inappropriate language and behavior in a way that keeps communication open and provides a win-win for the people involved.
- Learn the NCBI Controversial Issues Process: a Key Coalition Building Skill. Learn to listen to Concerns Underneath Controversial Issues - participants learn skills to move hotly contested issues forward and reframe the conversation in a way that builds bridges.
- Use simple, proven practices to run meetings that include everyone’s voice.